
Knowing and the Trinity: How Perspectives in Human Knowledge Imitate the Trinity is unavailable, but you can change that!

Every human being has a distinct perspective and experiences truth from this viewpoint. If God exists in three persons, as the Bible teaches, is it possible to discern epistemological perspectives that originate from this mystery? Once we understand that God is Trinitarian, we can see numerous reflections of his Trinitarian character in general and in special revelation. Vern Poythress is one of...

Three-in-One God, or that the young professor of mathematics soon transitioned to theological studies and a lifetime in theological education in which he has both explored and taught the principle that the Trinity is the mystery in which all other mysteries ultimately make sense. I once teased another mathematician friend who was professor of number theory in one of the ancient British universities: “Are you paid to sit in a darkened room all day to do nothing but think about numbers?” He gave the
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